If you are interested in training for a PhD, or are looking for post-doctoral or self-directed fellowship positions then my group (and the wider institute at Leeds) may be able to support you. Current opportunities are listed below but please feel free to email me to discuss through my university web page.
PhD training
The University of Leeds is part of a Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) which recruits students each year. Applications are made in January and positions begin in October. Projects I am involved with are posted below when applications are open. Please contact me if you would like to discuss a potential project for the DTP. We also welcome self-funded PhD students, the cost of a studentship is around £60k. It may also be possible to fund a studentship through your government if you are outside the UK.
Postdoc jobs
Postdoc positions will be advertised here as well as through the university when available. If you are interested in being a ‘named researcher’ on a research grant proposal then please get in touch at the link above.
If you would like to write a fellowship application to work with my group then there are several options. The Royal Society University Research Fellowships are open for applications until September each year, and NERC Independent Research Fellowships close in October each year. These positions typically require some years of postdoctoral experience, and must be agreed with the University of Leeds. If you are currently based outside of the UK but are in the EU or an associated country you may be eligible to apply for a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie fellowship. These calls close in November. Please get in touch to discuss any fellowship ideas.